Category Archives: Irvine Chiropractic Therapy

Irvine Spine and Sport – Chiropractic is Much More than Treatment for Joints, Nerves and Muscles by Dr. Timothy Twombly

Good morning everybody, this is Dr. Tim Twombly at Irvine Spine and Sport.

I’m here to tell you today, a little bit about like what Chiropractors do. The first thing that Chiropractors doing kind of what people think about when they think about Chiropractors is – we adjust the spine. The reason we adjust the spine is to remove interference from the nervous system. We want to create an environment where energy and information just flows freely to the body. We want that energy and intelligence to be available to all the cells all the time. We want to bring body kind a talking to each other and all the messages are sent really clear.

Lot of people know that they know what Chiropractors do is they “un pinched” pinched nerves and that’s a lot of value it’s because what it does, it takes the body from the state of imbalance back to balance, it takes the body from (WHAT?) back to more flexibility. It allows you to access strength to replace what may have been weakness.

The other thing that the Chiropractors do, we work hard to preserve the health of the bones. We work to stimulate the bones on the joints. One of the reasons that we adjust the body is to balance the bone structure. In doing that, what we do is we make it easier for the body to deal with jack hammering effects of gravity. The responsibility that we carry on our shoulders.

People know that but the other thing they don’t really think about it. When they think about the bones or they think about the skeletons, they think of something rather unearthed it’s almost like the (WHAT?) that we hang our clothes on. We don’t think of something particularly alive. If you look a little deeper, think a little bit more about the science, biology and physiology. What we learned is, we come up with the question.

Who is it that came up with the idea to create a way to helped us pinned up illness and disease? To fight infection and etc. was the bones came up with that idea?

Inside the bones, where we manufacture white blood cells about 95% of all your bodies like white blood cells and those immune factors are actually built inside of your bones. What these white blood cells do is they attack viruses, they attack bacteria, they attack parasites and they attack fungus. When you have mutagenic cells in your body the “mutans” of none of us like have to deal very much. It’s the white blood cells that attack them. That would help us prevent and suppress things like Cancer. That’s a big deal and that’s one other things bones do. We work on the joints and adjust the spine; we’re stimulating the health of the bone. An imbalance in the bone and the bone structure creates friction and that friction creates basic inflammation, inflammation is what leads to degeneration. The other thing that white blood cells do is you have red blood cells and the red blood cells were transport oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues in the body. When you take a deep breath and feel really good you have to thank your bones because your bones are the ones that made all that possible.

Again, we like to remove nerve interferences we want to get that nerve flow going but we also wanna really do everything we can to energize and maintain the health of the bones. So remember when you dance it’s the bones that do the dancing, when you’re gonna shoulder heavy responsibilities or take on those heavy loads the bones are  the things are there, the skeletons the things that’s there to help you out. Next time it rolls around to Halloween and people are like laughing at skeleton or going “oh it’s scary skeleton” kind a make fun with the bones. We’ll just think about you just turn them and say be “maybe you should respect those bones” Chiropractors do.

Irvine Spine and Sport – Relieve Upper Back Pain with Chiropractic Care by Dr. Timothy Twombly

Hi, this is Dr. Tim Twombly, practicing Chiropractor at Irvine Spine and Sport in Irvine. California.

Today, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about maybe the most common thing that we see in our office and that’s people that complain about upper back pain. Pain kind of between the shoulder blades and when you ask them what they do all day long. They are sitting at the chair in front of the computer and so when they leave work. They get in the car hold this same position as they drive home. When they get home and they’re cooking or doing dishes or whatever. We live a life that’s kind of everything is sort of forward together down and end. When you do that all day long, then all the muscles on the front side will get shorter and tighter. The muscles around from your shoulders to the center part of your sternum and chest will those get tighter so what happens is you get a hands over and so you end up walking around looking like, guess what. Like you just betting down. Like you just been hammered down by gravity.

When people come in to our office. One of things we do is we fix that and that’s done through chiropractic technique we can show you those things and cover those maybe later. But i wanted to talk about was, it’s influence on posture. All day long in my office we saved families, moms and dads come in they come in with their kids.

And they turned to me and said “You’ve gotta talk to my son and daughter about their bad posture”

I show them exercise with do this great theory brand protocols and things really work but it’s hard to get people to do this. So i told them, I’m telling you a secret now. What I do is I talk about their kids and affected bad posture has on them. In that way sometimes that goes get through their parents.

This is what i told kids about posture. So i make parents get out of the room. Let’s say it’s a 13 or 14 year old boy and you know. He’s like “oh god i got to lost this chiropractic talk about posture”. So what i do is i told this. Think about it, when you’re sitting in the classroom, i want you to know something. When your posture is like this, you perceived as “stupid” or “lazy and stupid”. Not like tragically lazy and stupid but kind of lazy and stupid. If you sits tall and sit up straight you perceived as “smarter” and then when you answer the question or respond to the question. Even if it’s not the greatest answer in the world, you just go “Yeah that must be a good answer” because he really looks intelligent and smart. Young people like to hear that. The next thing is when they’re out walking around the campus. You walk like this, what you inviting. You’re inviting things like, bullying. You know, when you look sort of defenseless and helpless and betting down. You look like you’ve been beaten to high level. That level you’ve become more vulnerable. So it’s always good to say “You know what, you stand up straight and people will leave you alone. You look like you have what? Energy, power that you got a secret; you’ve got something going on. That’s really important!

Of course, the other place that really works for young boys. I said, you know guys stand up really straight and tall look more attractive to women and they got interested on that and their eyes up a little bit. We talked about things like that a little bit of persuasion but who doesn’t want to be more attractive.

Attraction was it that all about?

Attraction is a magnitude that you want to have. That’s what you want to have for everybody.

Come to our office and talk about that a little bit move that forward.

Nice talking to you guys today, Take care everybody.


Irvine Spine and Sport – Abundant Health and Vitality with Chiropractic Care with Dr. Timothy Twombly

Hi, this is Dr. Tim Twombly a practicing Chiropractor here at Irvine Spine and Sport.

The last time we talked, we talked about energy and how important is to have energy.

Energy is what we require first to pretty much accomplish everything we want to do during the day and there’s things that interfere with our energy, things that steal our energy or take our energy.

Those things can be the stresses of day to day life, the challenges of professional life, problems that just don’t want to go away, how you physically feel. Things like medication may benefit you in many ways, but they have side effects and it can rob you of your energy.

What we are talking about today, how do we get more energy to do what we need to do?

Again, as we talked about before. The goal of Chiropractic is to remove interference from your nervous system. Chiropractic doesn’t do things to you, so much as remove blockages and interference to your energy.

I wanted to talk a little bit about that, how do we get not just the energy but abundant energy or more energy. It’s really a simple formula.

Here we go, there’s our formula. So, this is the formula for Adaptation developed by Hans Selye, who is the guy that came up with this thing called “The Adaptation” theory. How we use our energy and how we get better.

“A” stands for Adaptation. As you’re going along in day to day life you have a level of adaptation. There’s only so much resilience that you have, so much energy that you have. From that, you subtract each of these stresses. A stress could be what we talked about dealing with chronic pain. You know you can go on and on. SSS – these are all different stresses. Sn means, all the other stresses. So all those things, what has to happen is, you have the capacity to adapt but if you have to subtract this number. You can’t take more stresses out in your level of adaptation. Otherwise, you don’t have any energy at all. What Chiropractors do – is we maximize this “A”. We can’t always make all these problems go away. Everybody’s got things to do with challenges to face but when Chiropractors adjust you. What they’re doing – they’re expanding your ability to access more adaptation. As we remove interference from your body what happens is this “A” expands. That way at the end of the day this number is not even close to zero you have lots left over. That left over part is what you can add to the lives of other people is what you can do to work on your dreams. That’s what we really want to do for you here at Irvine Chiropractic. Hope you remember this and take this to heart.

Take care!

Irvine Spine and Sport – How Chiropractic Care Can Give You More Energy with Dr. Timothy Twombly

Hi, I’m Dr. Tim Twombly, a practicing Chiropractor here at Irvine Spine and Sport in Irvine, California.

So today i want to ask you a question.

If you could listen to someone describing you to another person.

What is it that you want them to say? What would be the thing that you would feel really good knowing that’s what people were saying about you? Think about that for a second.

How about this: “What I like about her is here energy. I just love her energy.” If someone were say that about you, you could be pretty happy about that. Now maybe a lot of other things that describe your qualities, but in some way having abundant energy is really a critical factor. It makes all the difference in the world. That’s where chiropractic comes in, the purpose of chiropractic is to remove interference from the nervous system. So without trying to do things to you, Chiropractic is about removing interference from those communication path ways in your body. When you do that then you have all the energy you can possibly get available to you. We want to talk about later about. How you can access higher levels of energy but just think about that.

Would it be nice if you had energy in abundance?

That’s what we can do for you here at Irvine Spine and Sport.